Home is where the heart is

Designing a space filled with emotional tranquility

New Pediatric Emergency Unit of Hospital São João in Porto

The new Pediatric Emergency Unit of Hospital S. João, in Porto, inaugurated as a benchmark for innovation in the Portuguese Healthcare System's hospital emergency service. The new configuration offers children and their families a warmer passage through the various emergency moments. With the well-being and comfort of the young patients at its heart, the Hospital Administration welcomed beautiful illustrations to create a safe space filled with emotional tranquility.

The challenge was to create an illustrated scenography on the walls that would ease the little patients’ pain and anxiety. Idealize an environment with the capacity to soothe the inevitable weight of this place. A narrative filled with serenity and protection for little ones and their families to feel safer in their hospital journey.

What better brings this cozy feeling than the idea of home? Home doesn't have to be the physical space where we live daily, but rather the place (real or imaginary, outside or inside) where we find our calm. A place where we get to and where it feels ok to take off the heavy armor of fear and insecurity. A place where we can sit down gently, to talk with calm.

So we created a story that explores the idea of home in an uncomplicated way, focusing on the sensations and states of mind that this place represents. Illustrated with big and soft shapes, characters who are empathetic and clear in their expression, in a palette that is delicate and harmonious, where we can feel present. A scenario that allows parents to feel confident and children to feel companionship.

'Did you know that a home can have many shapes? Big, small, round or triangular, what matters is that it feels comfortable . . .'

Press  @Jornal de Notícias video,  @Jornal de Notícias article
Story together with Gonçalo Fialho  .  Photos by Alexander Bogorodskiy

Illustrated Scenography

‘Uma casa pode ser várias coisas, sabias?
Grande, pequena, redonda ou triangular,
o que importa é ser confortável . . .’

Excerto da História

‘Que cheirinho quentinho é este?

Bons pequenos-almoços e palavras amigas
são coisas que não podem faltar pela manhã.

É dali que vem o cheiro, vamos . . .
O cheirinho a torradas atraimuitos narizes curiosos.’

Excerto da História

‘Deixa a janela encostada,
para o ar fresquinho entrar . . .

Vais lançar o papagaio? Boa, vou contigo.

Uma pequena paragem para
abastecer de frutos do bosque.
Um lanchinho? É para já!’

Excerto da História

‘Um soninho bom pede sempre aquela almofada confortável.
Contam segredos ao ouvido de quem dorme . . .
De certeza que já adormeceste numa almofada assim!

Adormecer ao contrário na cama é engraçado
mas não vistas as meias nas mãos!’

Excerto da História

‘Sempre que tens um sonho bom a tua almofada fica feliz.
Estás a sentir? É o cheirinho bom do aconchego!’

Excerto da História

‘Enquanto o sono não chega, contamos uma história.
Amanhã, quando acordares, vais perceber que casa é onde
nos sentimos bem e família é onde está o nosso coração.’

Excerto da História

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